• Question: How long did it take to be in your job position today?

    Asked by anon-74500 on 24 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 24 Jun 2020:

      It took me 4 years at university to graduate from university with a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering. I took a different route to many others by completing my HNC and HND Diplomas in Mechanical Engineering before doing a final top-up year to achieve my full BEng (Hons) degree. With this qualification, it allowed me to enter into my job at a supervisor/middle management position straight away with no experience. I have now been here for nearly 3 years and have been promoted to Senior design engineer/design engineering manager who oversees other design engineers.

    • Photo: Ed Chester

      Ed Chester answered on 24 Jun 2020:

      I didn’t come straight into my current job, I’ve done a lot of things along the way. I’ve been working full time for 18 years in the same sector though, so I guess that’s one answer. Could I do the job I do now with less experience? — definitely, though I would probably have needed at least 5 years of direct experience to understand things. Often, its not just the technical or operational side of a role that you need experience with – but also things like how meetings are run, how to write appropriate reports, what needs to go into a good test plan, and so on. Nobody teaches you that stuff, you have to live it for a while!

    • Photo: David Linsell

      David Linsell answered on 24 Jun 2020:

      Well the basic package was: First degree – 3 years; post-degree application and operation training – 1 year; first proper jobs 2 years; Master’s Degree – 18 months. But in every job and in every year I have been learning more and more. Now 40+ years on from the first degree and I am still learning.

    • Photo: Juan Carlos Fallas-Chinchilla

      Juan Carlos Fallas-Chinchilla answered on 24 Jun 2020:

      After my PhD (4 years) in finite element analysis I could opt for this job. Got training and learned lots in my first 2 years until I got promoted early this year. Having said that, my MEng (5 years) and MSc (2 years) gave me a strong background in mechanics to do my current job.

    • Photo: Oana Lazar

      Oana Lazar answered on 25 Jun 2020:

      My answer is a bit different since I’m still at university. I’ll be doing a sandwich placement next year, which means I will be working for a full year and then coming back to university for my final year to get my Master’s. I’ve just finished 3 years of university, so that’s how long it’s taken to have a full-time position for a year!

    • Photo: Conor Tickner

      Conor Tickner answered on 25 Jun 2020:

      I’ve been working in my job in acoustic engineering for 6 years, but my exact role has recently changed to be a senior position, so in that sense it took 5 years of experience, plus 4 years doing my degree, and a year work placement.
      However, in my current role I’m doing essentially the same things as when I started, just with less supervision, some managing of more junior staff, and generally doing more advanced work.
      Some people also start as technicians with minimal or no degree experience, and again essentially do the same things but at a more basic level, so it’s something you can do right out of school and work your way up, or get a degree and jump up the ladder more quickly.

    • Photo: Asha Panchal

      Asha Panchal answered on 3 Jul 2020:

      After leaving university, I stayed on to complete a PhD in ground engineering. I’ve been with my company for about 18months but I was moved into a managerial and innovation lead role about 3 months after joining. You learn a lot by working and getting involved in new experiences. The more enthusiastic you are and if you show a willingness to learn and contribute, your efforts will be recognised and you will end up in the position you aim to be in.
